Facebook Reportedly Working On A Personal Digital Assistant Who Lives In The Messenger App

When it’s time to buzz about a reported new feature, having a recognizable code name is kind of a must-have. So it goes with Facebook’s new rumored project, a personal digital assistant nicknamed “Moneypenny,” after the secretary character in James Bond movies.

It seems Moneypenny would live inside Facebook’s Messenger app as opposed to hanging out in the main app or browser version of the social network, says a report from The Information (via Apple Insider).

The feature is currently being tested internally, and instead of being used to find directions to the closest coffee shop, Moneypenny sounds more like a concierge service, with “real people” available who can help users accomplish tasks online, like researching/buying products and services, among other as-yet-to-be-determined things.

Maybe you want to buy a new TV but don’t want to look around for the best deals. That might be the kind of thing Moneypenny could do for you while you’re busy playing Candy Crush and report back.

There are other services out there besides Siri, Google Now and Cortana that are more likely to be rivals to the eventual Moneypenny (which might not stick as a name), businesses like Magic, which puts users in touch with live operators via text message to order services any time of the day, as well as the similar Operator service and GoButler.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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