Police: Men With ATM In Back Of Their Pickup Truck Can’t Remember Where “Scrap Metal” Came From

Because it seems unlikely that large chunks of metal and plastic fall from the sky and land in the back of pickup trucks without anyone realizing it, police have charged two Florida men with the theft of an ATM, alleging that the suspects used a stolen backhoe to remove the cash machine from its rightful home.

Police arrested the twosome accused of stealing a bank ATM from its vestibule, reports Bay News 9, saying the suspects first pilfered a backhoe from a construction site on Friday night. They then allegedly used the stolen machinery to tear down the vestibule housing the ATM, officials said.

Though they got away with the ATM, officers responding to the bank’s alarm on Saturday night issued a bulletin warning others to keep an eye out for a large vehicle with an ATM in the back. Lo and behold, a county sheriff’s deputy spotted a suspicious pickup truck carrying that exact cargo.

When the deputy pulled over the truck, the two men said they’d been out getting scrap metal but couldn’t quite recall where they’d gotten the items in the truck bed, including the unopened ATM. The two were subsequently charged with grand theft.

Police: Men use backhoe to steal ATM at Winter Haven bank [Bay News 9]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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