Stuck-In-The-Mud FedEx Truck Ruins Front Yard, Company Shrugs

If a company worth $36 billion ruins your front yard, you’d hope it would have the decency to scrounge up some pocket change to make things right — or at least have the common courtesy to explain why it wasn’t doing anything to repair the damage.

CBS Dallas/Fort Worth has the story of a woman in Keller, TX, who says a FedEx truck ripped up her yard when it drove onto her lawn and got stranded — and that the tow truck that eventually extricated the FedEx vehicle did even more damage to her property.

The driver and his boss promised that the lawn would be repaired, but the homeowner was skeptical.

“He kept saying ‘I’ll come back and fix it,'” she tells CBS, “I told him he’d done more damage than one man was going to be able to fix.

After weeks of no movement on the matter she turned to the local media.

“I was raised that driving on someone’s lawn was something you never, ever, ever do,” the homeowner tells CBS. “To damage someone’s property and then just stonewall me… ‘Oh well, if we don’t call her back she’ll go away,’ makes me angry.”

Once CBS got involved, miraculously FedEx couldn’t stop calling the homeowner to apologize tell her that a check was on the way to pay for the damage.

For its part, FedEx says that all drivers working for FedEx are expected to “make every delivery with the utmost care. This behavior is not consistent with the professionalism FedEx demonstrates in safely and securely delivering millions of packages to customers every day.”

We assume that “professionalism” was also lacking in each of the following videos of FedEx drivers:

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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