Report: FCC To Vote On New Net Neutrality Proposal In February


After months of comments, discussions, hearings, statements, and delays, the FCC is reportedly preparing to vote on a new Open Internet Rule — net neutrality — at their February 26 meeting.

The Washington Post reports that FCC chairman Tom Wheeler is planning to circulate the draft proposal to the other members of the commission in January, in preparation for having it on the agenda at the FCC’s monthly open meeting the following month. The FCC’s February meeting is currently scheduled for Thursday, February 26.

It is still unclear what form the proposal is likely to take. Critics, consumer advocates, and the White House have all called for the FCC to adopt Title II-based regulation going forward, while ISPs have strenuously argued against it.

This month will mark the one-year anniversary of the old rule being struck down. The FCC voted to consider a new proposal in May, but that suggestion version of the rule met with an overwhelming, highly critical response from millions, including two FCC commissioners.

As the WaPo reports, a one-month window between circulating and voting on the proposal would indicate that Wheeler does not see the need for another protracted public comment (and reply-comment) period. The Post also points out that as the incoming Congress has a net neutrality bill in it’s sights, the FCC is likely to face opposition on all fronts… no matter what the proposed rule says.

Get ready: The FCC says it’ll vote on net neutrality in February [The Washington Post]

by Kate Cox via Consumerist

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