The U.S. Is Not At War With China: Hacked NY Post, UPI Twitter Accounts Post Fake News

nyposthack Despite fake reports on the Twitter accounts of both the New York Post and United Press International, no, the United States is not at war with China. And no, the Pope did not say it’s the start of WWIII. So, shew.

According to the news sites themselves, both were briefly hacked this afternoon, with both accounts tweeting fake news about the U.S. Navy engaged in combat with China.

The fake Pope even fake weighed in on the fake story:


Everyone included is breathing a sigh of relief because war, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing, says UPI in acknowledging the act with a tweet linking to its story about its hacked tweets:

The NYP acknowledged it without running a story online that we can find:

Thus far it’s unclear if any hacking group has taken responsibility for the attacks. The UPI says in its story about the attack that around the time the tweets started popping up, editors noticed that a ‘breaking news’ banner touting the Federal Reserve story was published to the homepage.

“UPI’s technology support team quickly shut down access,” UPI reports.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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