Throwing Rubbing Alcohol During A Robbery Constitutes Use Of A Dangerous Weapon

There are a number of things we couldn’t imagine a would-be thief using during an attempted robbery. One of those things is rubbing alcohol. But that’s exactly what police say a man used to rob a Oklahoma Walgreens on Monday.

Fox23 News reports that Tulsa police arrested a man who allegedly robbed a nearby Walgreens by throwing rubbing alcohol on a store clerk.

According to police officials, the man entered the drug store around 3 a.m. Monday and grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol from a nearby shelf.

He can then be seen on security camera unscrewing the lid to a bottle of rubbing alcohol moments before he doused the store clerk with it, implied he had a weapon and walked away with an undisclosed amount of money.

While rubbing alcohol used for any other intended reason would be considered fairly harmless, police say that by throwing the liquid during the act of a crime constitutes use of a dangerous weapon.

Fox 23 reports that according to jail records the man was booked for robbery with a dangerous weapon, and his bond was set at $50,000.

“I mean I have been doing this for 17 years and at a certain point you think you have seen everything, then there is always somebody who comes along to surprise ya,” a local detective tells the TV station.

Man accused of using rubbing alcohol in a Walgreens robbery arrested [Fox23 News]

by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist

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