Massachusetts Man Selling Snow From His Front Yard Because Why Not?

Mother Nature has created plenty of headaches for snow-weary residents of Massachusetts, but one man is turning Gaia’s frozen bounty into an opportunity to make a few bucks off those warmer states. He’s selling the snow from his front yard for $89 for six pounds, shipping it to sunnier climes. Taking snow lemons and making snow lemonade, right?

After making jokes about sending snow off to friends and family, one Massachusetts man decided to actually do that with a new site called that purports to use “snow as a service,” reports the Boston Globe.

He’s already sent 112 people 16.9-ounce water bottles for $19.99 each filled with “historic Boston snow” (though he lives in Manchester-by-the-Sea) from winter storm Neptune, which then turned into historic water when the snow melted during the shipping process.

The new product offering is six pounds of snow shipped to any destination in the U.S. within 20 hours, with the $89 price tag including shipping. The snow will likely still melt at least a little he says, however.

“I put the snow in a plastic bag, and put that in tinfoil,” he said. “Then I put that package in an insulated container that’s an inch and a half thick, and ship it overnight. It’s sealed tight in Omaha steaks packaging.”

Despite any melting during transit, he claims the package will still produce 10-15 solid snowballs.

“At this rate, it’s going to be July until the snow melts,” he said. “But I’ve thought about taking this idea and running with it for other seasonal items. Maybe I’ll ship some fall foliage.”

Massachusetts Man Is Shipping Our Record-Breaking Snow for $89 [The Boston Globe]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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