Movers Charge $450 To Transfer Stuff To Van, Drive A Few Hundred Feet

When you hire movers, you sort of assume that you’re hiring them to handle the logistics of moving, since that’s their job. For example, if their truck won’t fit in an apartment complex, it’s their job to know that. That’s probably one woman thought when she moved from Michigan to California, and was charged $450 for a second van that National Van Lines needed to drive her stuff from a public street into her apartment complex.

“A good moving company we would hope would find out if there would be a problem at a drop off site,” Joe Rideout from California’s Consumer Action explained to CBS Sacramento, which stepped in to help the mover. National Van Lines sent her a bill for $450 that she couldn’t pay. That added up to maybe a dollar for every foot that the company needed to drive the van. Moving from across the country, she may not even have been familiar with the layout of the complex she was moving to.

A call from a local TV station convinced National Van Lines to waive the additional fee. They explained that the customer had signed a “non-binding contract,” which meant that they could change their fees if the actual expenses of the move changed on the ground.

Call Kurtis: Why Am I Being Charged For 2 Trucks For 1 Move? [CBS Sacramento]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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