Chicken Fries Will Become A Permanent Burger King Menu Item

ChickenFries_ClearanceBarTop medium resIn a recent publicity stunt for cult favorite menu item chicken fries, Burger King dispatched an actual chicken to restaurants to decide whether that location would serve chicken fries that day. This weirdly cannibalistic ritual is now over, because Burger King has decreed that all locations will have chicken fries indefinitely. The downside is that Gloria should probably watch her back now.

The fries are back on the menu indefinitely starting today. Other than the promotion with Gloria the chicken, the fries were returned for a two-month period that filled chicken fry fans with rapture. They’re celebrating its return with a chicken fry-themed emoji keyboard and…well, who needs anything more than an emoji keyboard?

Chicken fries are something that McDonald’s doesn’t have, and are part of the chains’ ongoing chicken wars. They’re done competing on price, and now seek to give customers what they want. While Burger King brings back the fries, McDonald’s has promised to stop the use of chicken with antibiotic-laced feed.

The fries are available as part of a combo with potato fries and a drink, which makes us wonder whether someone could invent soda fries and have an entire meal that comes in fry form.

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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