Comcast Says It’s Tripling Size Of Social Media Customer Service Team

Comcast has been responding to customer complaints on Twitter and Facebook for years, but that didn’t help the company get out of the basement of customer satisfaction ratings — not just for cable and Internet providers, but for all U.S. companies. And now that Comcast is trying to merge with the one consumer-facing business with a worse reputation, it says it is making an investment to improve its social media customer service team.

According to Tom Karinshak, Comcast’s head of Customer Service, the company is both adding more people to its “social care” team and giving them more tools to help customers; presumably so they can copy/paste “Sorry to hear that. Did you try resetting the modem?” more efficiently.

“With a much bigger team, we’ll be able to support customers across more platforms. And we’ll be able to get to them faster,” writes Karinshak. “A larger team also means that we’ll be able to increase bicoastal and bilingual coverage to make sure we are available 24/7 to customers who speak either English or Spanish.”

In a statement that we assume is intended to make customers feel better, but which demonstrates Comcast’s lack of understanding of its dismal level of customer service, Karinshak explains that “The social care team has access to all the same advanced tools and training as our call center agents do.”

The social media team will also be able to schedule appointments for tech visits to your home. Of course, the ability to schedule an appointment doesn’t mean that the tech will keep the appointment or be given the correct information so that they show up prepared to deal with the problem.

Maybe you’d like to improve Comcast from the inside? If so, the company is indeed hiring, so apply away.

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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