Police: Man Said He Showed Meijer Workers Nude Selfies Because It Cheered Him Up

We’ve all had the blues, but when you need cheering up it shouldn’t involve showing unsuspecting store workers pictures of your junk. That’s what police in Grand Rapids say one man admitted to doing, because he says it cheers him up when he’s not feeling so great.

The 51-year-old man is accused of snapping photos of his nether regions on his cell phone and then showing them to employees at several area Meijer stores, reports MLive.com.

Police say he showed his nudie pics to an employee in the photo department of one store near the end of January, and then two days later allegedly pulled out his phone while talking to a female worker in the electronics department and displayed photos of his exposed privates.

He was identified through video surveillance at the stores, and police say he then confessed to his show-and-tell sessions. Police say he admitted knowing that sharing such photos with unsuspecting people is wrong, but that he liked to see their reactions.

“Yeah, it cheers me up when I’m feeling down,” an affidavit quotes him as saying.

Due to a history of criminal sexual conduct spanning back to 1986, he’s being charged as a sexually delinquent person, which means he can be detained until a judge says he’s no longer a threat to anyone.

Man tells police showing pictures of his penis to Meijer employees ‘Cheers me up’ [MLive.com]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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