TSA Busts Passenger Allegedly Trying To Fly With Bear Paws In His Luggage

We’ve heard many a tale of travelers accused of trying to move things they shouldn’t through the air in their luggage, attempts that are often thwarted by the Transportation Security Administration’s airport checkpoints. But while we’re used to hearing about concealed weapons or live wildlife, officials say one traveler allegedly upped the “what not to pack” ante by toting bear paws and other parts in his bags.

A man in Oregon tried to board a plane in Eugene a few weeks ago with a selection of bear paws and bottle with some sort of bear gall, whiskey concoction, authorities say, according to The Register Guard.

Police have cited him with unlawful possession of game parts after the traveler was stopped on his way to Taiwan. He told authorities he was taking the plastic grocery bags holding bear paws overseas to be made into a necklace for his housekeeper (?!?). The drink is medicinal, he claimed, and helped him sleep.

A subsequent search of a barn on his property found bear hides and bear heads, and the man reportedly told police he was a hunter who stored meat in freezers as well as other bear parts. He claimed other people had given him bear paws as well. However, he couldn’t provide the hunting tag required by law to hunt bear under state law at the time of the incident.

He could also be charged with unlawful take of wildlife and unlawful possession of game mammal parts without being properly tagged or without written transfer records.

Probe centers on bear paws, heads and hides [The Register Guard]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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