Bloomberg Businessweek profiled the Morten Maersk, a massive container ship, as it left Shanghai, China for a trip to the port of Felixstowe in England. It’s more of a photo essay, but pictures are crucial to understand the scale of a single cargo ship, and why the national economy can be effected when the people in charge of loading and unloading them dawdle a little bit. This one ship holds 18,000 shipping containers. To put that in terms that regular people can grasp, that’s 111 million pairs of sneakers, or 182 million iPads. A ship that size with so much cargo only needs 22 crew members, though.
The ship makes the trip from Shanghai to England completely full, but but only has a few containers making the return trip full of exports from Europe to Asia.
How to Haul 182 Million iPads [Bloomberg]
by Laura Northrup via Consumerist