Not the vendors in question. Just wieners. (hesweptlime)
The Twitter account for NYPD’s 1st Precinct posted a photo of officers visit the vendor yesterday, Tweeting at Jessica Lappin of the Downtown Alliance to share the news of his Environmental Control Board summonses:
Lappin said the organization first started receiving complaints about the overpriced franks last week, with about five coming in from disgruntled folks who felt ripped off.
“People get upset about that type of thing and rightly so,” she told DNAInfo. “He shouldn’t be preying on people. It gives people, whether they live here or work here, a bad impression. It’s not the New York I know.”
It’s unclear how long he’s been trying to pull the wool over customers’ eyes, as well as how much he’s facing in fines for the three tickets.
Rip-Off Hot Dog Vendor Ticketed After Charging $30 for Wieners, Police Say []
by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist