Buffalo Wild Wings Severs Ties With “League” Star Who Lied About 9/11 Experience

bwwaddYesterday morning, actor and new Buffalo Wild Wings shill Steve Rannazzisi — best known as Kevin on FXX’s The Leagueadmitted to having told terrible untruths about being in the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001, when terrorists flew commercial jets into the building’s two towers. In the wake of the actor’s confession, BWW said it was “reevaluating our relationship” with Rannazzisi, and now it looks like that relationship has been terminated.

“Upon careful review, we have decided to discontinue airing our current television commercials feature Steve Rannazzisi,” the wing chain said in a statement to Bloomberg.

For years, Rannazzisi had been saying interviews that he was working for Merrill Lynch on the 54th floor of the WTC’s south tower when the first plane struck the north. He used the tale to explain how it changed his life and put him on the path to a career in acting and comedy.

Problem is, while Rannazzisi was in Manhattan on that fateful day, he was nowhere near the Trade Center, nor was he employed by Merrill Lynch. He admitted yesterday that he was actually working for a different company miles away in Midtown at the time.

With The League‘s seventh and final season debuting earlier this month, Rannazzisi had just begun a new gig starring in commercials for Buffalo Wild Wings, playing up his association with the FXX show about a group of friends who are a little too serious about fantasy football.

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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