Sprint Reserves The Right To Hike Your Rental Price In ‘iPhone Forever’ Plan

4kiphoneSprint’s “iPhone Forever” plan sounds pretty simple: you pay a monthly fee, and have access to the latest model straight out of Cupertino whenever you want to upgrade. The “forever” part means that this plan is indefinite, and that the price of $22 per month ($15 if you trade in your old smartphone) is something that you get to keep as long as you belong to the plan, right? Well, no.

If you’re someone who enjoys trading their phone in yearly for a fresh new one, plans like this could be a good choice for you. Just keep in mind that they’re a lease, and like any other lease, you aren’t left owning anything at the end.

Yet we wouldn’t blame you if you thought the “forever” in “iPhone Forever” means that you lock in that lease price, well, forever. Mouse Print’s Edwin Dworsky points out that in this case, “forever” only means until the end of the lease.

Let’s crank that type size up 300% and see what it actually says:


iPhone Forever: Applies to upgrade on lease. Upgrade does not include same generation model iPhone. Does not guarantee monthly payment amount, phone selection, or service plan rates. Contingent upon product availability. Not transferable. $15 Promo Requires trade in of smartphone in good, working condition that is not on current lease or Sprint Easy Pay.

Upgrade iPhone Yearly Forever for $15 a Month? [Mouse Print]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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