Coach Store Employee Claims She Was Fired For Gaining 100 Pounds

(Michael Daddino)
A person of any size can look good while holding a purse, but the upscale accessory seller Coach has an image to uphold. Is that the reason why they fired a retail store manager who gained 100 pounds in the decade that she worked for the company? The former manager thinks so, and is suing the company, but the retailer says that the real reason for her firing involved her performance.

The former manager’s attorney recounted incidents that made it clear that her weight wasn’t acceptable. During her performance review, she was asked why she no longer brought in frozen diet meals for lunch every day. A supervisor would also encourage her to watch “The Biggest Loser” or other weight loss-related reality shows.

In most states, people who are over- or underweight aren’t a protected class when it comes to discrimination, but this store is in Michigan, where discriminating against someone for their height or weight is part of civil rights law.

The former manager is suing for unspecified damages in federal court.

Fired Over Weight Gain? Woman Suing Coach Retailer For Discrimination [CBS Detroit]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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