Police: If You’re Waiting On Packages Filled With Marijuana, Feel Free To Come Pick It Up

(Hazlet Twp. PD)
We know how annoying it is when a package you’re expecting gets lost in the mail, and so do police in Hazlet, N.J. That’s why they want the public to know that they’ve got boxes filled with around 50 pounds of marijuana that was delivered to the wrong person just waiting for its rightful owner to claim it.

A resident of the township called police this week when a delivery of several boxes showed up addressed to someone who didn’t live at the home, police said in a Facebook post (h/t NJ.com) about the incident.

Officers opened up the packages in a search for the packing list and any clues to the identity of the sender, and discovered more than 31 bundles of marijuana sealed in plastic. Though it’s probably unlikely that the person who mailed it will show up to claim their drugs, police are still putting the offer out there, just in case.

“If you were expecting these packages and would like to claim them, please come to police headquarters,” the Facebook post said. “In the meantime our detectives will be working with county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to locate the owner of this property.”

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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