English Essay on "Horrors of War"

HORRORS OF WARConflict has ever been a inclement act. If we founder over the pages of record we acquire that conquerors in the then took pleasure in slaying, ruthlessness and pillage. Of all things it is the demon of war which we hate. The war-mongers may love it, but the average man wants treaty. Wars are always alarming and horrible. The group has seen two destructive wars during the unalterable threescore figure age in which both the victors and the vanquished were reduced to misery. Practically every state of the man suffered during these two wars. Jillions of men, women and children had been killed and wounded. Millions of grouping had been made unsettled and suffered from poorness, famish and disease. The environment of conclusion caused by these wars was horrible. Infect, 'Hell' itself was let unconstipated. 
War not exclusive destroys the bodies', but kills the souls also. Need and manners go to winds. War passions of, anthropoid state are stimulated.itexperteam.blogspot.com They conduct in a most harsh and insensate way. Venerated, traditions are totally unnoticed. Sacred beliefs of numerous are shaken. Man becomes virtually a creature. 
Wars bonk get more perilous in the acquaint nowadays. The numerous obliterating weapons invented by men of discipline can put an end to the intact earth in no indication. Ours is an microscopic age. The newest usage 01 war-craft, the missiles and anti-missiles hump prefabricated wars more insidious and significant with a mathematical genocide. The nuclear war, if fought, will lose no one as the successful.

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