Twitter May Finally Be Getting Rid Of 140-Character Limit On Tweets

(Tom Raftery)

Even if you’re not a Twitter user, you’re likely familiar with the restriction that limits the expression of every thought, comment, and desire to a mere 140 characters. But once again Twitter is mulling over the idea of making Tweets a lot longer — though your actual feed wouldn’t look much different.

Re/code reports that Twitter’s “Beyond 140” program aims to up the character count from 140 to 10,000 at some point in the first quarter of 2016.

While this gives the user a vast slate on which to Tweet, don’t expect to start seeing novella-length updates clogging your Twitter feed.

Instead, it would only show the first 140 characters in the timeline with a button to reveal the rest of the content.

Sources close to Twitter tell Re/code that the new product is currently being tested within the company, but features and a timeline for the launch aren’t set in stone.

A 10,000-character limit isn’t a new idea for Twitter, the company previously expanded its direct message feature to include a 10,000-character limit.

In September, rumors started swirling that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey had decided to revisit the idea of increased character counts in order to boost the platform’s user base.

Twitter Considering 10,000-Character Limit for Tweets [Re/code]

by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist

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