FedEx & eBay Want To Help You Sell Your Unwanted Stuff (For A Cut, Of Course)

The next time you clean out your closet and collect a pile of unwanted smartphones, unused tennis racquets and dusty golf clubs, and old handbags you never take out anymore, you could consider selling that clutter online, without even having to pack it up and post it for sale — if you don’t mind handing some of the profits off to FedEx and eBay.

The two companies are joining forces in an effort to woo customers who might not be savvy enough — or motivated enough — to sell their wares online alone with an extension of eBay’s existing Valet program, which requires sellers to ship their merchandise to eBay so it can list and sell the items.

Here’s how the new drop-off program works: sellers bring items worth at least $25 at one of more than 1,600 FedEx stores in the U.S., where store employees will then pack and ship the items to an eBay Valet processing center. Once there, eBay handles the listing and selling of the items, and ships them to buyers.

FedEx and eBay will then share a commission ranging from 20% to 40% on each sale, but it costs nothing for sellers upfront.

The program accepts items from “a number of different product categories,” the companies said in announcing the partnership, but the items that sell best include electronics, antiques and collectibles, high-end clothing and shoes, and small appliances.

“Our relationship with FedEx Office allows us to offer even more choices to consumers looking to get the most money for their items with the least amount of work … and the peace of mind it will arrive safely,” said Laura Chambers, Vice President of Consumer Selling, eBay in a statement.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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