We get it: in the summer, you want to be free and unencumbered, without a purse on your shoulder or a heavy wallet in your pocket. However, a tobacco store in Kentucky has an important seasonal rule that they want their customers to keep in mind: they do not want your crumpled, sweaty dollar bills that you’ve just pulled from your sock or your bra.
Here’s the actual sign on the door.
Most customers find it funny, and those people have clearly never worked as a cashier at a mostly-cash retail establishment in the summer. I did, and 16 years later still periodically think about damp, crumpled “boob money,” as the sign puts it.
“[Customers] dig deep into their not ‘so-called pockets’ to bring me some nasty money that we don’t want to accept anymore,” the store manager explained to TV station WFIE.
One might think that bluntly saying that they don’t want some customers’ money would hurt business at the store, but it has done the opposite: the sign and the policy have attracted attention, and more people are stopping by to check it out.
Owensboro business no longer accepting sweaty money [WTIE]
by Laura Northrup via Consumerist