Pizza Hut Worker Pepper-Sprayed Coworker In Dispute Over Toppings

We often hear of customers overreacting during conflicts with store employees and restaurant workers, but sometimes, even fast food coworkers turn on each other.

Police in the Sandy Springs suburb of Atlanta have issued a warrant for the arrest of a Pizza Hut worker for disorderly conduct, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, after an argument over pizza toppings toppings culminated in him allegedly releasing pepper spray in his coworker’s face.

Witnesses, including the general manager of the restaurant, told police who arrived on the scene around 7 p.m. on Tuesday that the suspect initially confronted the vicim about where she was putting pizza ingredients, eventually telling her that she “needed to go home or get fired.”

She replied that he wasn’t her manager, and he allegedly responded by threatening her husband and bringing up her recently deceased brother.

Their manager broke up the argument and told the suspect to leave the restaurant, which he did — before returning to continue fighting with the victim, police said.

In front of the manager and other employees, police say he then pulled out pepper spray and shot it into his coworker’s face. He wrote his address on a napkin, slammed it on the counter, and told the victim that’s where he’d be if she wanted to fight him. On his way out, he allegedly tossed trays of pizza and dough on the floor.

Police tried to call the suspect shortly afterward, only to be told by a man who answered the phone not to call him again from a blocked number because he wouldn’t answer. He was still on the loose as of Wednesday.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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