B.Com I Economics 2012 Guess Paper

B.Com I Economics 2012
Q.1. Write short notes on any TWO of the following.
(i) Production possibility curve
(ii) Fixed Cost and Variable Cost
(iii) Characteristics of Indifference Curve
 Q.2. (a) Distinguish between firm and an industry.
Q.2. (b) How price and output is determined under monopoly? Explain with the help of diagram.

Q.3. (a) Distinguish between monopolistic and monopolistic competition.
Q.3. (b) Explain the short run equilibrium of a firm under monopolistic competition with the help of diagram.

Q.4. (a) Describe the Characteristics of Perfect Competition.
Q.4. (b) Explain the help of diagrams the short run equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition.
Q.5. (a) Define national income and distinguish between national income at market price and national income at factor cost?
Q.5. (b) Explain in detail any one method of measurement of national income.

Q.6. (a) Explain the concept of multiplier.
Q.6. (b) Find the value of Multiplier when
(i) M.P.S = 0.2
(ii) M.P.C = 0.75

Q.7. Explain the concept of acceleration principle. Give a numerical explanation of the way accelerator operates.

Q.8. (a) Distinguish between autonomous investment and induce investment.
Q.8. (b) Explain the concept of marginal efficiency of capital and describe its determinants.

Q.9. How does price mechanism help in performing the basic functions of an economic system under free enterprise economy. Discuss.
Q.10. Economic system of Islam is an ideal economic system. Give argument.

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