B.Com I Introduction to Business 2012 Guess Paper

Q.1. (a) Differentiate between Capitalism and social as an economic system.
Q.1. (b) Discuss the features of economic environment.

Q.2. (a) Write merits and demerits of sole proprietorship business.
Q.2. (b) Define mixed economic system and also describe its characteristics.

Q.3. (a) Describe various types of business risk.
Q.3. (b) How can business risk be reduced or avoided?

Q.4. (a) Describe the social responsibility of business.
Q.4. (b) “Technical, Political and legal environments are also important for businessman”. Do you agree?

Q.5. Describe the problems which may be faced in establishing and operating a business organization.

Q.6. (a) List the various kinds of business environment.
Q.6. (b) Describe the economic environment in some details.

Q.7. (a) Define multinational companies. Also describe the problem of multinational companies?
Q.7. (b) Describe tariffs? Give argument in favor of tariffs.

Q.8. (a) Define insurance. State various types of insurance.
Q.8. (b) What is the basic process followed by company in hiring sub ordinate and executive staff.
Q.9. (a) Define partnership. State the various disadvantages of partnership.
Q.9. (b) Distinguish between co-operative society and joint stock company.

Q.10. Write short notes on any four of the following
(i) Media of Advertising
(ii) Distribution Channels
(iii) Holding Companies
(iv) Chain Store
(v) Service Industry
(vi) Leasing Companies

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