Check Before You Send: Gmail Is Screwing Up Auto-Complete E-Mail Addresses

gmailautocomplete When I go into Gmail to start an e-mail and type “D” in the address line, I know without even looking that it autocompletes to “Donny Donaldson,” my fictional best friend from summer camp. But if I typed in “D” today, it might autocomplete to “Debbie Debrason,” a fictional ex-girlfriend who I try to avoid.

This is apparently happening to lots of Gmail users today, with many people going on Twitter to complain about accidentally e-mailing the wrong person or having to go through the hassle — oh, the terror — of typing in more than 1-2 letters before getting to the right person in their address book.

“We’re aware of an issue with Gmail and auto-complete and currently investigating,” reads a statement from Google. “Apologies for any inconvenience.”

Here some complaints about the problem. Go to for more.

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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