Free Donuts Tomorrow Morning At Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme is opening what the company claims is its 1,000th store on Tuesday morning and to celebrate it’s giving away free donuts to first 1,000 customers at each location worldwide.

According to the donut chain, the first thousand visitors to each of its stores on Tuesday will score a free original glazed donut (or doughnut, if you prefer). Note that this offer does not apply to Krispy Kreme locations in grocery stores and wholesale clubs.

As always, this comes with the caveat of “participating” stores, meaning that we will inevitably hear from readers who came across stingy or joyless managers who chose to not take part, or who decided to stop giving away donuts early.

People attending the Kansas City grand opening of the 1,000th store may be able to take home a lot more donuts. The first 100 visitors will get free donuts for a year.

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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