Walmart’s Key To Happy Employees: Relaxing The Dress Code, Making Sure Stores Aren’t Freezing

In an effort to show employees – and the rest of the world – that it cares, Walmart says it plans to address worker concerns by relaxing its dress code and making stores warmer.

A day after the big box retailer announced it would raise the hourly pay for about 100,000 employees, Reuters reports the company will attempt to improve workplace conditions at its 4,555 locations in the U.S.

When announcing the changes to employees on Wednesday, executives for the company said it was helping to “make your life easier.”

The new dress code, expected to go into effect in July, allows workers to wear black or khaki denim pants. The current dress code permits only khaki trousers, Reuters reports.

Employees who complete physically demanding jobs can start wearing blue denim and t-shirts.

Walmart also plans to address employee complaints that stores are too cold by increasing the temperatures across the board. According to Reuters, the retailer’s temperature control is centrally located at its Arkansas headquarters.

Additionally, the company plans to implement a new training program and upgrading handheld terminals for department managers.

Wal-Mart relaxing dress code in bid to address worker concerns [Reuters]

by Ashlee Kieler via Consumerist

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