10th Class English 2012 Guess Paper

10th Class English 2012 Guess Paper

Section “A” – (Multiple Choice Questions – MCQs)
Q.1. Prepare the following MCQs.
Section “B” – (Short Question Answers)
Q.2. (a) Answer any EIGHT of the following questions in three or four sentences each.
i. How did the caliph discovered the real owner of the horse?
What was the reaction of the horse when the rich man touched it?
What does “akhund” means? How does a teacher fulfill God’s command.
What are different modes of fishing?
ii. What is the difference between the old and modern methods of farming?
How did our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his companions set the examples of dignity of work?
What did King Faisal do for the Arabs in their war against Israel?
How did King Faisal develop his country and what was his desire?
iii. How did the jugglers and conjurers entertain the people at the village fair?
What are different types of entertainments available in the village fair for children?
How did Sultan Nasiruddin earn his living?
iv. What did Moazzam do when Azam was milking the cow?
Why were polythene bags replaced by paper bags?
What do you learn from the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
v. Who tends the cash and food crops in Nigeria?
What are the chef exports of Nigeria?
vi. What tools are needed to mend a puncture and how is it done?
What does the kit for mending a puncture contain?
What is the process of mending a puncture at a cycle shop?
vii. What points must be kept in mind while make a summary?
What are the various customs of the Valley of Mehran?
What do you know about the civilization of the Valley of Mehran?
viii. How did the different Muslim rulers set the examples of dignity of work?
What is the difference between beef and mutton?
ix. How is the parcel prepared for the parcel game?
What is Treasure Hunt? How is the game Treasure Hunt played?
x. Where is the Khyber Pass? Which is the highest place along the Khyber Pass?
What is the Khyber Pass? State the historical importance of Khyber Pass.
Q.2. (b) Answer any FOUR of the following questions in three or four sentences each.
i. Who has written the poem “The Voice of God”? What does the poet want us to do?
What does “Eden” means? and how cane we make our world an Eden?
Who wrote the poem “Little Things”? What makes our world an Eden?
ii. What pleasure does the poet get while traveling in a railway carriage?
What can make a nation strong?
Whose hand are praised in the poem “Beautiful Hands” and why?
Why does the poetess praised the hands of the mothers and why does she compared them to a rainbow?
iii. Why should we speak gently to others?
What lesson do we learn from the poem “Speak Gently”?
Why did King Bruce decide not to give up his effort?
iv. What qualities did the boy in the poem “Casabianca” possess? How can we say that the credit of all great achievements is due to the mother?
Why did the minstrel boy destroy his harp?
v. What future does the poet promise us in the poem “There’s a Good Time Coming”?
What is the message of the poem “The Man Who Wins”?
What does adversity teach us according to the poem “The Uses of Adversity”?
Section “C” – (Descriptive Questions Answer)
Q.3. Write an essay of 100-120 words on any ONE of the following topics.
i. War against Terrorism
ii. Importance of Leisure-Time Activities
iii. Blessings and Wonders of Science
iv. Role of Media in Educating People
v. A function at your school
vi. Environmental Pollution
vii. Importance of Discipline in Life
viii. Load shedding of electricity in Karachi
Q.4. Applications
i. Write an application to the headmaster / headmistress of your school requesting him / her to allow your class ________.
ii. Write an application to the headmaster / headmistress of your school requesting him / her to grant you a leave of absence from the school for ______ days.
iii. Write an application to the headmaster / headmistress of your school requesting him / her to issue you ______ certificate.
i. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about frequent power failure / shortage of water / sanitary condition of your locality.
ii. Write a letter to our father informing about your preparation for the forthcoming examination.
iii. Write a letter to your friend and describe him / her about the importance of computer in the modern age.
Q.5. Translate Urdu sentences into English.
Make a summary of a passage.
Q.6. Answer the questions of a paragraph.

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