10th Class Physics Guess Paper 2012

10th Class Physics Guess Paper 2012

Section “A” – (Multiple Choice Questions – MCQs)
Q.1. Answer 17 questions from this Section.
Section “B” – (Short Questions Answer)
Note: Answer any Fourteen questions from this Section. No answer should exceed three to five sentences. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.2. Define Physics and describe about its any three branches.
Describe three contributions of Ibn-al-Haitham or Yaqoob Al-Kindi in the field of Physics.
Define fundamental and derived units with one example of each.
Q.3. Define Linear Momentum. Write down its formula and S.IL Unit.
Define Equilibrium and write down the two conditions of equilibrium with one example of each.
Define Torque. Write its formula and unit.
Q.4. 117.6 J heat is required to raise the temperature of 10gm of silver by 5OoC, find the specific heat of Silver.
A car movign with a uniform acceleration attains speed of 36km/h in 2 minutes, find the acceleration of the car.
A stone of 200gm mass tied to one end of a string of length 50cm is whirled from the other end in a circle with a constant speed of 2m/s, find the tension in string.
Q.5. Write down three advantages or three disadvantages of Friction.
Write down three methods of reducing Friction.
Define Lever and write down its principle and mechanical advantage.
Describe three kinds of lever with one example of each.
Q.6. Define the following
i. Echo
ii. Beats
iii. Radius of Curvature
iv. Ultrasonic Wave
v. Irregular Reflection
vi. Magnification of a Concave Mirror
Define the following
i. Photon
ii. Refrective Index
iii. Direct Current
iv. Total Internal Reflection
v. Regular Reflection
vi. Electromagnet
Q.7. State Pascal’s Principle. Describe any one of its application.
State Archimedes principle.
Write down the Law of Heat Exchange.
State Newton’s Second Law of Motion and derive the Formula F = ma.
State Hooke’s Law and write its mathematical expression.
Q.8. Define Reflection of Light and state the Laws of Reflection of Light.
Describe the working of a semi-conductor diode as a rectifier.
What is an Electromagnet? Illustrate it with the help of a labeled diagram and write down its two uses.
Write down any three methods of demagnetization of a magnet.
What is an Electric Motor? Write the factors on which the speed of rotation of motor depends?
Q.9. Write three precautions to minimize radiation hazards.
Write down three uses of radio isotopes in the field of Industry / Agriculture / Medicine.
Write down three uses of Spherical Mirrors.
With the help of ray diagrams describe Long Sightedness and Short Sightedness.
Q.10. A force of 50N acts on a body. If the moment arm is 0.5m, find the value of the torque.
The length of the handle of a screw jack is 42cm and its pitch is 1.001m, find its mechanical advantage.
A 100-watt bulb operates in a 22oV circuit, find the current through the bulb.
A convex lens forms a virtual image of an object placed 5cm away from its optical centre at a distance of 10cm. Determine the focal length of the convex lens.
Q.11. State three characteristics of Musical Sound.
Write three points of difference between Alpha Rays and Beta Rays.
Write three points of difference between Real Image and Virtual Image.
Q.12. State Newton’s Third Law of Motion and give two examples from daily life.
What are Ultrasonic? Give two uses of Ultrasonic.
Write three differences between P-type and N-type substances.
Q.13. State the Law of Inertia and give two examples of inertia from daily life.
State the Law of Conservation of Energy with one example.
State the Right Hand Rule.
Q.14. Define the following terms.
i. Resonance
ii. Radioactivity
iii. Critical Mass
iv. Pitch
v. Rainbow
vi. Centre of Gravity
Define the following terms
i. Centripetal Force
ii. Focal Length
iii. Spectrum
iv. Centripetal Acceleration
v. Fuse
vi. Ampere
Q.15. Write three points of difference between g and G.
Write three points of difference between Scalars and Vectors.
Write three points of difference between Alternating Current and Direct Current.
Write three points of difference between Longitudinal Waves and Transverse Waves.
Q.16. Define the following terms
i. Power of lens
ii. Transistor
iii. Force
iv. Magnifying Glass
v. Radar
vi. Elasticity
OR Define the following terms
i. Farad
ii. Amplitude
iii. Critical Angle
iv. Latent Heat
v. Specific Heat
vi. Time Period
Q.17. Write three points of difference between Stress and Strain.
What is the difference between Forward Biased and Reverse Biased?
Write three points of difference between Ammeter and Voltmeter.
Q.19. Define Coulomb’s Law and derive its formula.
Define Photon and write its two characteristics.
Write three advantages of Transistors.
Q.19. State Boyle’s Law and Charle’s Law and write the formula of the General Gas Equation.
State Joule’s Law and derive the formula W=I2RT.
Q.20. State Ohm’s Law and derive the formula V = IR
Write three characteristics of the resistances connected in series.
Write three characteristics of the resistance connected in parallel.
Q.21. What is the Kinetic energy of a 200kg car which is travelling with a velocity of 36km/hr.
When a sound wave of frequency 200 Hz and wavelength 3m passes through a medium, calculate the velocity of the wave in that medium.
An object is placed 15cm from a concave mirror of focal length 10cm, find the position and nature of the image formed?
Find the length of a simple pendulum whose time period is 2 seconds.
Section “C” – (Descriptive Question Answers)
Note: Attempt any TWO questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks.
Q.22 (a) Derive the equation 2as = Vf2 – vi2.
Derive the equation S = Vit + 1/2at2.
Derive the equation K.E = 1/2mV2.
(b). Define Simple Harmonic Motion and describe the characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion.
Write down four similarities between Electrostatic Induction and Magnetism.
Define Evaporation and write down four factors on which the rate of evaporation.
What is an electric capacitor? Write down three factors upon which its capacity depends.
(c). Draw neat and labeled diagram of a Compound Microscope and write its construction and working.
With the help of ray diagram describe the construction and working of a refracting astronomical telescope.
Show by a ray diagram the formation of image by a Plane Mirror and write down the characteristics of image.
Q.23. (a) State Newton’s Law o Gravitation.
With the help of Newton’s Law of Gravitation derive an expression for the Mass of the Earth Me = gR2 / G.
Show with the help of a neat and labeled diagram the essential parts of a Refrigerator and write down its construction and working.
(b). Draw a neat and labeled diagram of an Electric Bell and write its working.
What is Galvanometer? How is a moving coil galvanometer converted into an Ammeter and Voltmeter.
With the help of a ray diagram describe the working of a Simple Microscope (Magnifying Glass) and write the formula for its Magnification.
(c). What is an Inclined Plane? Derive the formula for the Mechanical Advantage of Inclined Plane.
Define Wheel and Axle and derive the formula for its Mechanical Advantage.
Draw diagrams showing three resistances R1, R2, R3 are connected in series and derive the relation Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 + ……… + RN for N resistance in series.
Q.24. (a) Define Loudness of Sound. Give any three factors on which it depends.
Define Centripetal Force and Centripetal Acceleration and write their formula and units.
Define Fission Reaction. What do you mean by Chain Reaction.
(b). Define Wavelength, Frequency and Time Period and derive the relation f = V/ where ‘V’ is the velocity of the wave.
Write down four properties of Gamma Rays.
(c). Define Co-efficient of Linear Expansion and co-efficient of Volume Expansion, write their formulae and relation between them.
Write the effect of pressure on the boiling point of liquid and melting point of a solid. Explain each of them with the help of an experiment.

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