B.Com I English 2012 Guess Paper

B.Com I English 2012
Read the passage and answer the questions:
People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the days, sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a couchette, you spend half the night starting at the small blue light in the ceiling ; or fumbling to find your passport when you cross a frontier. By comparison, travel by aeroplane, although expensive, offers variety of comforts. Nothing can match it for speed and comfort, if flight is one time.
(1) For each of the following words/phrases find words/phrases with similar meaning.
(i) Close, difficult to move around (ii) Lacking fresh air (iii) Something brief — a short period (iv) Uniform – in alone (v) Fall to hold, catch
(2) What makes long journey by train unpleasant?
(3) Why is it difficult to read on a train?
(4) What are two advantages of travelling by plane?
(5) Suggest a suitable title for the above passage.
Q.2. Write the summary of the above passage.
Q.3. Answer any two of the following questions:
(a) What changes occurred in Mrs. Mallard’s feeling when she was alone in her room?
(b) Write a brief character sketch of Mrs. Heasant.
(c) Do you think Mr. Parson is blind? If yes, then how did he recognize the beggar?
Q.4. Read the passage and answer the questions.
A day like this would make many people think that they were in utopia, yet this little except from the life of one man is not as impossible as it might sound. In fact, parts of the preceding story are already true for some people. The factors guiding us into this more productive, less strenuous and much more leisurely lifestyle are all centered around on thing new technologies.
(a) Identify the reading text from which the passage has been taken.
(b) What do you think the word “Utopia” means?
(c) What do you think is the connection between Utopia and the title of the text.
(d) Explain the meaning of the following words
(i) Preceding, (ii) Strenuous, (iii) Leisurely
(a) Fill in the blanks. Correct tense of verbs given.
He _____ (sleep) soundly when he _____ (awaken) by a noise. He went downstairs to find out what _____ (happen). He _____ (know) something must be wrong because the do _____ (bark) furiously.
(b) Insert articles where necessary.
I have just moved to _____ house in defence. Yesterday _____ beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for some food and _____ cup of tea. He ate _____ food and drank _____ tea. In return the beggar stood on his head and sang some songs.
(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
The pilot dimped  _____ 5000 meters and flew _____ the height till he got _____ the coast. Then he came down _____ 1000 meters and began _____ take photographs.
(d) Change the following into passive voice.
Burglars broke into a house at night _____. The family do barked at them _____. The noise woke up the owner _____. He telephoned the police. The police came and arrested the burglars _____.
(e) Change the following into indirect speech
“If you are short of money I can lend your Rs. 500/=,” said, my uncle, “and you can take your time about paying it back”.
(f) Change the following phrasal verbs
(i) He arrogance will bring _____ his ruin.
(ii) The meeting was called _____ order by the chairman.
(iii) The order of the leader must be carried _____ first.
(iv) You must keep _____ with the latest technology.
(v) The magistrate let _____ the accused with a warning.
Q.6. Write an essay any one of the following
(a) Load shedding and its negative effects
(b) The importance of commerce education
(c) Nature calamities, a punishment and a test
(d) Self Reliance – the road to success
Q.7. Prepare your CV and a covering letter in reasons to the following advertisment
A well reputed company requires the services of a dynamic person who accepts the challenges to be its successful Finance Manager. Interested persons should send a detailed resume latest by 15 February 2011. P.O. Box No. 202, C/O “The Dawn”.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the need for have better roads in the city.

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